
Monday, May 5, 2014

April’s Arithmetic

The month started with a celebration of my Mum’s 75th birthday - 3 generations enjoying a 3 layer chocolate brownie cake (made by Dad). Giving a total of 368 years or an average of 46.

Swans featured strongly.  The highest number I reached on my daily count while walking along the river was 71.  (No need to start booking me up for a counsellor – I promise this is the only thing I count daily!!)  Non mating swans congregate in spring and summer and my local river is one of their congregation points.


Also enjoyed seeing 15 men dance as swans in the Mathew Bourne version of Swan Lake – totally fabulous, fully of energy and recognisably swan like.

Went to 3 events in the Science Festival for a total of 9 hours.  At one event I made 4 items using 4 different techniques.

Crocheted 1 sausage dog (Fran) using 14 different colours – one advantage of making a multi coloured animal is that all the wool ends from the colour change are inside and so do not have to be individually sewn in.  Also crocheted a pink blanket segment for a charity blanket.


Enjoyed the doubling of temperature 7C on 1st (45 F)  and 18C (64 F) on 2nd last.  Not so keen on the seemingly endless days of fog (didn’t keep a count – too busy counting swans!).

Saw the blooming of the 4th wave of spring bulbs in my garden (grape hyacinths – in the picture) and the start of the 5th – bluebells. 


Picked, cooked and ate 1 cauliflower from my garden


Read 6 books on my kindle including an anthology of apocalypse short stories which I read in between the other books by Terry Pratchett, J K Rowling (being Robert Galbraith), Uyen Duong, David Crossland, and Chris Beckett.

Took 362 photos. 

Joining Julie and our fellow Counts in a Month in Numbers.


  1. That cauliflower looks so fresh and perfect. I bet it was excellent.

    I love all the colours in the crochet dog: the other advantage is with all those changes and the small size it doesn't start to get repetitive when you are doing it.

  2. We've never tried to grow cauliflower although we love it. This is gorgeous, and since our garden hasn't even been started I may add some cauliflower to the plan. I've never seen that many swans anywhere.

  3. I'm amazed you have cauliflowers already. That's still one vegetable I find hard to get John to eat unless it's covered in cheese.

  4. How on earth did you manage the cauliflower? Am intrigued! Has it been standing all winter? How did you manage to ensure it didn't get nibbled? Fascinating numbers - and I promise not to tell anyone about the swan-counting :).

  5. You've got another admirer of your cauli here! Looks lovely! I love them with cheese [but then, what *isn't* improved by a coat of cheese? ;-) ] but I also make a veg curry with cauli too. When I'm feeling healthy ...

    I'd like to see that Swan Lake too. And how funny that you saw the ballet and the real thing last month!

    And you've got me wondering what exactly it is you made at a science fair ... I'm thinking 'a Frankenstein's monster' ...

    Your post is safely pinned to the board alongside everyone else's now Helena:

    May May bring you many good things [not that you need count them *all*] ;-)

    Julie x

  6. What a fun month! I love those swans, and Fran is adorable! I also like the sound of a high temperature of 18 - we haven't made it up that high yet.

  7. I just love cauliflower! how on earth did you do it?
    Counting? I won't tell if you don't tell that I count...anything, everything, all the time. I can't help it...I would love to walk in your garden and I like the idea of planting in waves. What a great month & sausage dog of course.

  8. I'm liking the idea of home grown caulis ... and having seen Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake myself I know what a treat that was!

  9. Love the one dog of 14 colors!
