
Friday, March 21, 2014

how ‘typical’ is my shopping basket?

during the week I read an article in the newspaper about the new items that have been added to the basket that is used to calculate the consumer price index – it is meant to be a list of items that exemplify current consumer habits.  I was reading the list and thinking ‘I don’t buy any of those new items’ and I thought that it would be interesting to look at recent changes to see which reflected my buying habits – once a social scientist, always a social scientist!! 


how many of these items are regulars in your shopping basket (virtual or physical) ?


  1. What a great question this is..

    ..I don't buy lattes or e-books, but I have been known to cave in to requests for "pink milk" every so often

  2. Honey, e-books, stir-fry vegetables (infrequently, I usually chop up my own), blueberries, and wild bird seed all show up on my shopping list from time to time. Blueberries would be most frequent since both my husband and my granddaughter like them a great deal. Interesting list; not what I expected at all!

  3. occasionally (as in not often) you might find blueberries or stir-fry veggies in my cart. Not a single other thing on that list!

  4. Honey, e-books Charcuterie and the occasional stir-fry pack and blueberries. (I can't decide whether I like these or not!) are all in my basket. None of the other things. What a great post.

  5. Honey, blueberries and the occasional non-fiction e-book on Kindle :). A great a question, though. Iam sure our shopping trolleys say a great deal about us.

  6. I don't buy flavoured milk or an online film subscription. I think everything else has been purchased at one time or another.

  7. honey, e-books, flavoured milk(chocolate) and wild bird food are always in my basket...
    Don't know what a snacking fruit pot is!!

  8. I occasionally buy honey, but nothing else on the list (many because they are not readily available here!)
    Alison xx

  9. Hmm, not much overlap there with my shopping, except for occasionally some blueberries! I seem to buy a lot of online classes (art/crafts) and chocolate!

  10. The only thing I buy from the top of your list are e-books, and we buy blueberries when they're in season!

  11. I buy everything that yo do (except the chacuterie). On the other list, we definitely buy blue berries, online movies and flavored milk (chocolate and vanilla soy milk counts, I imagine).
    I guess we buy a lot of stuff!!!

  12. Just honey & e-books. We used to buy wild bird seed but the bird feeders were causing other animals to come in and tear the place apart so no bird feeders this year.
