
Monday, March 3, 2014

February summed up

for the 2nd month of the year, with it’s 2 ‘missing days’ I seem to have a lot of ‘2’s in my numerical summary and 2 accompanying photos.

I read 4 works on fiction on my kindle (by Kate Atkinson, Ian M Banks, Chris Beckett and Barbara Kingsolver)and 2 paper books about sign language.


Keeping my fingers busy in three different ways. 

I’ve been to 3 of my sign language classes, learnt the alphabet and vocabulary relating to names, family, pets and places.

I’ve been crocheting to make 24 mini nurses and have completed all 48 arms, 24 hats, 24 bodies and 10 completed nurses.  I also crocheted 1 pair of fingerless mittens for a local charity providing warm items for Big Issue sellers and helped 4 new crocheters with their work.

Spent 7 hours at a fabulous silverclay workshop where I learnt that a silverclay ring had to start off 3 sizes too big to allow for shrinkage in the kiln.

I’ve been watching lots of sports on TV with the start of the 6 Nations rugby competition.  Scotland has not been doing well and a plague of nematodes under the grass of their homeground makes watching them play at home doubly embarrassing. also enjoying Winter Olympics coverage, in particular the 2 snowboarding acrobatic disciplines and the curling where team GB won 2 sets of medals.

Enjoying the signs of spring, in particular the 3 different types of flowers now in my garden – snowdrops, crocuses (2 colours – yellow and purple) and small daffodils


Thanks to Julie for encouraging us to count our month and providing a safe haven to share.


  1. Before I forget ... I'm not sure about the Communal Count Helena. You're only the 2nd person who seems to have missed it and it didn't really take off like I'd hoped [I thought it would be a fun - quick - way for more people to get involved, but it was only really rergulars, like yourself who played along]. I'm not averse to maybe dropping one in from time to time though.

    I've assisted several deaf students in my job at a Uni and have been fascinated watching their SLI sign through lectures etc. It was always fun seeing one particular technical lecture where the SLI + the student had to agree new signs for things neither of them had never needed to say/sign before! And it was not so fun watching unthinking lecturers turn out all the lights ... forgetting that the student wouldn't be able to see the interpreter!

    Can't believe I forgot to mention any Olympic numbers in mine - I was glued to it! Had my work open in one window on my laptop and the curling / skating / whatever that mad ski one was where they looked like they were flying open in another.

    Thanks for keeping me company once again Helena - I've added you to the board now:

    Happy March to you and yours!

    Julie :-)

  2. Yeah, bit of a pain, those nematodes!

  3. What fun "finger activities" you've been pursuing Helena! And I'm delighting in that photo of the Spring flowers that have popped in your garden. Here, in my part of the U.S, we're still buried under feet of snow. I'm just hoping my flowers haven't given up hope of ever seeing the sun.

  4. Your Spring flowers are beautiful! Thanks for posting this photo as it helps me cling to the promise that Spring will arrive soon! I agree that Julie's MinN meme is such a wonderful and safe haven to share our everyday's.

  5. What a great look at your February! Those flowers make me wish spring would hurry up & get here!

  6. Wow - what a busy February! And, oh, those lovely flowers.
    (I enjoyed the curling, too! The Canadian women's team is based in Winnipeg, where I live, so that made watching them even more fun.)

  7. Love your photo of the spring flowers Helena! I too can't believe I forgot to put any Olympics numbers in my count!! Love the idea of your crotcheted nurses!! What are they for? And very well done for crotcheting warm things for Big Issue sellers, a lovely idea:) Happy counting this month!

  8. You clearly have a warm and generous nature, making so many lovely things for others :). Your photo of the Spring flowers is very cheering - we are usually a month later than everywhere else but we do at least have lots of green shoots showing!

  9. I'm always so impressed when someone can keep track of all those numbers. Which Barbara Kingsolver novel did you read? Did you like it? I have a couple of hers on my "to read" list.

  10. Wow you have been busy with your crocheting. We watched a bit of winter Olympics here too, although the boardX was a bit disappointing for the Aussies.

    Your flowers look beautiful.

  11. What a busy bee you have been and I didn't have an olympic number and was glued to it too. Lovely signs of spring where you are.

  12. The flowers look so nice Helena. Hoping we'll see some soon, although it looks like the rabbits have been munching on the tulip leaves.
