
Friday, February 7, 2014

why did I leave it so long?

I was looking through images that I created last year, to choose some to have printed for Liberate your Art 2014  postcard swap. I realised that I had done very few pixel magic creations in the latter part of the year once PhotoArt Friday stopped being a weekly event.  I also membered how much I enjoyed creating pieces from a photo, some images and PSE and how much I enjoyed the pieces that I created.

So when Bonnie posted the subject for February – angular and geometric, I immediately thought of a photo I’d taken of railings and set to work.


Why did I stop for so long?  I loved the process and I love, love this image.

For those of you happy to enjoy the pixel magic, stop here.  For those who like to see behind the scenes, here are the ingredients I used


I created the 4 images, rotated them so the top right of the photo was in the middle on each and then cropped and rotated.

I started with 10 different textures – mostly ones I remembered having success with in the past – tried each and kept the 4 I liked the best.

I always apply textures in this haphazard way, waiting until I see something I love.  I was wondering – does everyone do it that way or do some people have an end result in mind and know which texture will provide that result?


  1. The result is stunning! I would love to hang tis piece of art on a wall. - Beautiful - and very inspiring!

  2. This is really beautiful. I love the shapes and the colours. I have a number of textures that I go to straight away for colour. The rest is just try it and see. Sometimes you see something amazing. I miss Bonnies weekly challenge too. Vintage Craqueline is one of my favourite textures from her.

  3. There certainly is a little bit of magic involved. I don't use textures, but I do play about with filters in Radlab and that would be mostly in a haphazard way, until I find something I like

  4. wonderful work, Helena!! outstanding!! I work a lot like you, in that I play and try and see what I like. sometimes I go someplace completely unlike where I was heading. I love the way you have created this holistic piece of many different pieces. it is truly a work of art!!
    good to "see" you here again. I have missed PAF, too, with the only once a month... I am still fiddling digitally daily though. it is an addiction I am glad to claim!!

  5. That ended up a total transformation....perfect photo art. Love it.

  6. Helena, it looks great. You could use it as a piece of wall-art at home and everyone would think it was "real art"! (which of course it is...)

    I have to confess that I have Never used a "texture" on my photos... Perhaps it's time I tried it!

  7. Fabulous piece. It is fun to mix textures and patterns. I think the railings worked great for this piece. I love the right hand portion a lot but the entire piece is very fun and creative.

  8. Brilliant piece! Glad you are back in contact with something you love. There are just too many textures and filters and possible combinations for my poor brain to store all possible effects, so I am a try it and see girl!

  9. How clever! That would look a great piece of art on a wall.

  10. Love what you came up with, Helena! I never know what texture to use, sometimes I pick them by color or the elements in the texture. But mostly I just try a few until I get a result I'm happy with

  11. Truthfully, I have NO idea how you create this magic!

  12. Holy moly, Helena - talent like that must not stop! What a fab piece. Love how you pieced parts together and did not just apply manipulations and textures to the whole. I have the feeling I am standing between buildings and looking up at them peaking in the sky. Really impressive.

    I often have some idea of the texture I want to use - and then find it just doesn't work and end up experimenting with others. You just never really know how the marriage of pixels will work. It's the best feeling when a texture surprises you and works some magic with the image.

  13. Wow! This is gorgeous. Definitely deserves to be framed and displayed!
    I'm like you - just play with textures and see what happens. Sometimes I sit down with an idea in mind, but I almost always end up with something completely different. I kind of like it that way!

  14. Beautiful work of art! From a "simple" photo of a metal railing to something very special!
    I love the textures you chose...especially the vintage craqueline.

  15. love what you did here.

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