
Monday, November 25, 2013

A final look at Ottawa

On my way home again after a successful workshop so time for the final items from my list that I captured.

It snowed on Saturday – not a lot but still around on Sunday and so cold my skin tingled and I could feel the cold as I breathed in.  Much colder than I’m used to and not for wandering around in for long.

But it did look lovely on the benches


and compacted footprints remained where the snow was melting – like when archaeologists find footprints preserved in sandstone


Earlier in the week I captured several of the local churches in all their architectural splendour


and the only mounties I saw – the only ‘national dress’ I could think of – were in a shop display


And doors are actually something I will associate with this trip because of using so many revolving doors or double doors – to stop the transfer of cold outdoor air inside. I never did work out the optimum speed to walk through the automatic ones as they usually stuttered  half way around.


So I found 14 of the 21 items on my list in Ottawa and again enjoyed having the list as a focus for my wandering and snapping around a new city.


  1. It will feel decidedly warm when you land back in Edinburgh! The optimum speed to walk through those doors is a bit quicker or a bit slower than the speed you are walking ;)

  2. Hope Edinburgh's a tad warmer, Helena!
    Alison xx

  3. I do like that display of Mounties: they look resolutely cheerful in the face of that cold.

  4. Great photos - that snow looks cold!

  5. Those footprints are quite fascinating!

  6. Great shots, especially the one of the footprints. I'm glad you got to see some snow - winter is such a big part of being Canadian!

  7. Sorry you didn't get to see a real Mountie in dress uniform. I know the Museum of Civilization across the river has one or two there. Not sure if there are any on Parliament Hill. Too bad you weren't there on the 11th - you would have seen a lot of them taking part in the Remembrance Day service at the National War Memorial.

  8. I love the foot prints. And love how you're still using your list when traveling. The revolving doors are a really nice capture.
