
Monday, November 11, 2013

5 in 5 by the river

I’m joining in with Sandie sharing my 5 favourite photos from the mass I took in 5 minutes at the Firth end of my river walk on the 5th.  I really enjoyed taking lots of photos in all directions and then sifting through them to select my favourite 5 back on my computer.


It was foggy over the firth so Fife, on the other side, was hardly visible – providing a lovely soft background to the wild rose plants.


the overcast cloud and low sun made the city silhouette (end of the Crags and the buildings on Carlton Hill)  stand out nicely too


plenty of dog walkers out too – I liked the contrast of the young black Labrador running and the older blonde one (partially hidden behind its person) plodding along)


the geese numbers have increased with an influx of canada geese – all grazing along the river bank


and then gentle rain started – and I gave into my more abstract eye

thanks to Sandie for her 5 in 5 meme


  1. Oooh! I really love these, I might give this exercise a try. It is similar to the first one in my new book. That's two kicks you've given me, hope your foot isn't sore!

  2. I do like that misty grey-ness. Maybe it's not so nice to be out and about in, but it makes for a good picture

  3. Thank you for taking part Helena. It is so easy to use excuses that conditions aren't good enough and wait for another time. Your photos show that we need to work with what we have and the wonderful silhouettes and rain falling on water add to the atmosphere. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Very 'Scottish' pictures!!
    Alison xx

  5. Very beautiful photos ... I love the geese all facing the same way but the rain on water is my favourite.

  6. Nice series! I see you have Canada geese, too! We have tons of them here, although most of them have gone south for the winter now.
    I really love the first shot - very quiet and simple. Also love your rain-abstract.

  7. Great shots along the river Helena, I love the raindrops.

  8. I love the moodiness of them. Sorry to hear you have Canada Geese - they sure make a mess of parks.
