
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Look up Look down by the sea

On Monday I took advantage of some sunshine for a walk by the sea.  It was breezy but having lived for 5 years in the very windy Wellington (NZ) that doesn’t bother me.  What did surprise me was the noise.  Looking down onto the sand I saw lots of oyster catchers busily scurryign around for food and warning off any other birds that came near. 


overhead the gulls were screaming in their unique way.  Add the chattering of big groups of starlings, ten honking of geese and the squawks of crows and the noise was getting pretty loud.

Then in the background I could hear school rugby as I walked past the playing fields and the echo of race commentary coming from the race course on the other side of town. 

A lovely walk but not the peaceful idyll I had imagined when I set out. 


  1. Lovely blues and greys today in your "noisy photos"

  2. As someone who lives by the shore, I am still sometimes amazed by how loud those birds can be.

  3. I really enjoyed your description of all the background to these lovely photos - all the what-you-can't-see just adds to the atmosphere.

  4. It was fun to read the story behind your photos, Helena. Made me feel like I was right there with you!

  5. I love the colours in this weeks pair Helena. Your description of the noises has me nodding in understanding, I am frequently to be heard shouting at the gulls! and as for the battle between the crow and the magpie in my neighbours tree!!!

  6. I had to laugh at this - is the seaside ever peaceful? Certainly more interesting noise than in the city centre. Lovely shots!

  7. It was nice to read about the sounds behind the photos.
