
Monday, September 16, 2013

Getting ready for the Commonwealth Games

I do like to be prepared and, yes, the games are a year away but preparations are underway.  Glasgow is host to the games next year so I thought I’d participate.  No I haven’t been hiding athletic prowess !

I’m hoping to be a spectator – I’ve been online to order tickets for rugby 7s and athletics but will not know if I have any until October when the organisers will randomly allocate the tickets amongst those who booked. 

And I’m hoping to be a volunteer – working with the Commonwealth Organisation in assisting the team organisers.  if successful I’ll be part of a team assigned to a particular country and with my experience in the Pacific I’m hoping it will be one of the small island nations.  I attended an interview earlier this month and will hear if I was successful in October or November with training starting next March.

At the interview I did manage to have my photo taken with the Games mascot – Clyde (the name of the river in Glasgow)


I’m hoping this is not my only interaction with the games !


  1. Oh I do hope not either. All things crossed for at least one of your applications to be successful

  2. I do hope you're successful, Helena!
    Alison xx

  3. Do let us know! Hoping for good,things for you. PS I could read your next post (the airport one) via Feedly but when I clicked through to your website to comment, it told me the post did not exist :(. Hoping you are safely on your,journey or better still have arrived :).

  4. I love the photo of you with the mascot, Helena! Fingers crossed that you'll be able to participate in the way you hope. I'm thinking they'll choose you based on your experience!

  5. I do hope you get chosen. It would be great to be able to be involved in such a historic event.
