
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer of colour mellows

Sadly the final week of Summer of Colour for 2013 and appropriately some more autumnal colours for the end of a summer theme


the words I used this week are from a TV advert for cider which features a poem specially written for it by urban poet Murray Lachlan Young  which I think is delivered very effectively by actor Francis Magee you can watch it on YouTube here  I love the rhythm of his performance so looked up the words and love them too.  Here I used just part of the poem


I used the sepia in a patchwork of pieces that I think look like old cloth – I like the contrast of a poem about now and the oldness that sepia implies.

Thanks to Kristin for organising this celebration of colour and providing a space for artists across mediums to share their work.  And thank you to everyone who has shared and who has visited me here


  1. Love your piece of work this week. That's a fab background texture, and great words too.

  2. Love the patchwork background...another fab addition to this challenge, such a shame it's come to an end !

  3. Your pieces for this challenge have been so fun to see, Helena. I love the poem you used for this one!

  4. Great texture behind the words here, for this unusual colour combination.

  5. I'm totally in love with the textured brown background, looking like a cloth there :). The poem is nice too!

  6. It really has been a terrific challenge, hasn't it? I love your poem and composition.
    I've chosen one more color combination for next week (because I have one post card left).
    It's sky blue and red/orange, if you want to play along.

  7. Golly, that DOES look like old cloth. In fact, when I first saw it, I thought it WAS cloth. This is a lovely entry for the final SOC colors.

  8. You saved your best 'till last Helena. This is so special and now that I looked at the add I like it even more. Very creative. (Nice Actor!) I agree with Rinda, this was a terrific challenge.

  9. Very cool background, Helena! And I absolutely LOVE the message you portrayed! So upbeat and wonderful. Your piece is creative and beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with all of us!

  10. Beautiful piece. I especially love the background which suits the colours perfectly. Gorgeous.

  11. Love your beautiful cloth creation, and the video too! Awesome words to remember and live by! (I'm going to have to print them out.. maybe even frame them!)... Hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

  12. I like how you put this all together...very nice!!

    Hugs Giggles
