
Monday, April 8, 2013

Where’s Helena?

Don’t worry I didn’t put on a striped top and hide in a crowd for a photo!  Although it would be kind of fun.

But I am away on another work trip – running a workshop on planning for an election commission.  But where?  can you guess from these clues?

I transited through Nairobi airport and then saw this out the window on my final flight


It is 34 C (93 F) outside so I am very pleased to have aircon on all the time.   This is where I am staying. home

We bought these at the morning market, most are grown locally


I can’t share photos from out and about in town because you have to have a permit to take photos and it is enforced, so not worth the risk.

Final clue – I’m in the newest nation state.  Any one know or prepared to guess where I am? 

Answer on Wednesday when I share my look up look down.


  1. Having 'googled' it, I think Sian may be right!
    Alison xx

  2. I googled it too as I wasn't sure! Think I agree with Sian and Alison!

  3. What did we do before Google? I love the pictures, so bright and light and I want to be there. It is raining here. Have a good time.

  4. No idea at all where you are! However, the photos are great (as usual), and the fruit looks delicious. I am so shallow. '-))

  5. Oh my, I love your photos from your trips when you go away ... so wonderful to be able to see places I will probably never get to visit! Hoping the work goes well and you stay safe.

  6. What a great post. Since I read these backwards, I already discovered the answer before I knew there would be a question! LOL! I love it when you visit and share your exotic trips. That's a wonderful bowl of fruit.
