
Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Project Life snippets week 16

One of the threads in my project life this year is to record my first sighting of the different flowers in my garden – this week I said hello to the fabulous bright tulips in one of the smaller ( 3 x 4 inch) pockets.


I like to add text to the photos before printing and using colours that I extracted from the photo.  The ‘hello’ in the circle is from Ali Edwards.

Another smaller pocket has a photo of my nephew who I saw on Sunday – again I extracted colours from the photo for the presentation – a square crop seemed to work best for the photo.


The ‘dude’ flag is from a set by Cathy Z and particularly appropriate as we called his dude as a child.

I’ve been doing Project Life for 18 months now (I didn’t feel the need to wait for the start of the year to start the project) and I realise that I rarely share its content here on my blog – because I don’t think seeing every spread every week is interesting and because there will always be at least one item on a page that I’d blur for privacy.  But then I thought I could share one or two inserts every week or so – to share bits of life and how I approach project life.


  1. The color in that flower is amazing!

  2. What a gorgeous tulip. Still no sign of tulip blooms here.

  3. I like the way you have picked up the colours from the photos for your little embellishments. And just showing a pocket or two seems a good way of sharing what feels OK. No tulips here either!

  4. A good idea to show a pocket or two. Lovely tulips photo
