
Friday, April 19, 2013

#bytheriver swans

Lovely blue sky and sunshine today and the wind from earlier in the week has gone so my daily walk by the water was a pleasure. I always take my camera on my walks and decided to share what I see semi regularly here in blogland.

The swans were so picturesque today – there were 20 or so up and down the river.


If you have ever been near flying swans you’ll know that their wings beating make quite a noise.  I kept my camera in my hand to try to capture the swans in flight – mostly pointing in their general direction and clicking then finding the swans back home using the zoom on the computer.  From 9 pictures I managed to capture some decent shots of swans in flight. I love the long necks of the top one.


And this swan was gliding about and feeding alone.  When I stopped to photograph him he came over, I suspect (s)he was hoping I had some bread.


I wasn’t the only person out enjoying the clear weather.  There were plenty of dogs running about (and their owners) and I couldn’t resist snapping this man enjoying the sun and the view.


Do you have a regular walk route?  what do you see?


  1. That's a veritable gang of swans!

    We have a regular route past the blackberry bushes, round by the cows and back home again

  2. You've done really well to capture those swans in flight - and the bright blue is a great contrast. Our walks this time of year are shades of greeny-grey - and our sheep are not white but buff!

  3. I really enjoyed seeing what you see on your walk - thanks for sharing; the third flight pix is my favorite. I see lots of ocean, but pelicans and sea gulls; never swans. Plus, the coastal hills I've been sharing recently.

  4. Lovely lovely blues! My regular walk takes me along the side of a rhyne so I have been photographing tall grasses, bulrushes, the occasional duck and some lovely reflections.

  5. ...forgot to say how lovely the swan pictures are... I have been trying to make some abstracts using my right brain (!) swans seem to feature in them(?)

  6. ...forgot to say how lovely the swan pictures are... I have been trying to make some abstracts using my right brain (!) swans seem to feature in them(?)

  7. Great pictures Helena. I've never seen swans in flight before. As for my regular walking route, lately it's been on the treadmill - boring or mall walking (also boring). Now that hopefully spring is here (keeping fingers crossed) we'll get in outdoor walks
