
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Look up look down with others



One of the many delights of meeting Deb and Alison last weekend was being in the company of fellow ‘look up look down’ ers who were not at all perturbed at being asked to point up in order for me to take my photo (Alison on the left, Deb on the right) and yes those gloves were needed as it was icy cold.

The down is of a fun and energetic busking band who jumped to the classical music they were playing – providing a nice thematic link of moving limbs


  1. Hehe..I do like the addition of the pointing fingers!

  2. What a great pair this makes :). And I keep reading about this lovely occasion and seeing new views of it! Love the energy of that music group ...

  3. Oh I love this, the pointing gloved fingers are a brilliant addition!

  4. The gloved up photo is good, but the down one is great!

  5. What can I say?! them!
    Alison xx

  6. I love that area of Covent Garden...and have spent hours there listening to such a variety of music.

  7. This is such a great up/down installment, Helena. I uploaded my photos today and I'm really excited about the ones I got in Covent Garden too. I'll be posting them sometime this week. :o)
