
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Look Up Look Down at more snow

snow in mid March is rather an ‘unexpected item in bagging area’* moment – just when thoughts turn to spring we are back with snow and icy winds.  But, wearing my Pollyanna hat, at least it is more photogenic than rain.  Hope the flowers survive the chill


* I realise this reference may not actually be universal – at the self-service tills in the supermarkets here, if you put something in the bag other than the item you just scanned the automatic voice says ‘unexpected item in bagging area’. 


  1. I love the yellow frames for Spring..even if you are looking at snow. I'm a terrible coward and try to avoid the self checkout because I end up with way too many unexpected items. I can't cope with it at all!

  2. Oh, the lovely daffodils look frozen in all the snow! I do like the frames you have been using for the Look Up Look Down series. Sadly, I am getting behind in a lot of my activities. Hope to catch up soon.

  3. Hope the daffs survive..and I agree about snow at least LOOKING prettier than rain!
    Alison xx

  4. Oh those poor flowers - BRrrrrrrrr!

  5. The angle of your photo really makes that yellow pop against the snow - yes, I've been anxious about your tulip shoots in the subzero temperatures too! Smiled about the bagging - our local one does the same.

  6. Oh those pretty little flowers peeking out of all that snow! We are having unseasonably warm temps in Arizona. Carrie and I are in for a real shock next week, but we are keeping our fingers crossed for sunshine and MELTING snow when we arrive!

    We have self-service lines in our grocery stores too, and they say the same thing. Or, "an attendant has been notified to assist you" which is really annoying because half the time the "attendant" isn't paying attention. ;o)

  7. Oh poor you & poor little spring bulbs! Although absolutely ffffreezing here we don't have snow.
    I love your yellow frames!

  8. Love the looking down picture!
    And I like how the daffs have the same shape as the electrical equipment on the roof top.

  9. The snow gives its own delicacy to the photos but the crocuses(?) poking through are so hopeful!

  10. We get a more blunt ... ' do you wish to bag that item?' ... or it flashes and says we need assistance ... I always feel as though the machine is assuming I am trying to pilfer something!
