
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

look up, look down, repeat 52 times


I like having a photo subject that I capture each week.  In 2011 I took a monthly photo of my feet and of my local river from the same spot.  Last year I have a weekly self portrait (working on putting them all together on 2 pages and will share soon).

I liked the weekly prompt and decided this year to have the simple ideas of up and down.  These are my two for the first week.  I think they capture the weather nicely.

It is unseasonably mild here at the moment and I was amazed to find a flowering snowdrop in my garden.  I want to record the first sighting of different flowers too.


Anyone else got plans for a regular photo theme for the year?


  1. I really like the sound of this one, and your photos show what an effective prompt it is! One to repeat every time I leave the house I think

  2. I like this too, can I join you? Isn't there a rhyme that starts look up look down?

  3. I like this one too's lovely to see those daffodil (?) shoots coming through too!
    Alison xx

  4. Just to let you know I've jumped on the bandwagon , and have joined you...hope you don't mind!
    Alison xx

  5. I like this idea Helena. I've done 365 for the past 3 years and am SO behind with organising them into albums. This made me think about continuing this year but so far I have taken my photo a day and I think I would miss it to stop now. So I may join in - and make a concerted effort to do some catching up with my organisation!

  6. Nice idea. I might try to join in with this, though it'll probably be monthly rather than weekly as we are already 3 weeks into January and I hate starting things late

  7. This is a great idea. I'm doing 365 again this year and decided to work on a weekly 52/50 project. One photo each week taken with my 50mm lens. The last two weeks were easy. I was on vacation in Florida. Now I'm home with sub-zero temps some days and it's not so easy. I fear an up/down photo would be the same week after week here. I'll be looking at yours and Amy's to see how it goes.

  8. Hi Helena, I just pop over from Rhinda's blog. This is a wonderful idea and I love the snow drop photograph. Andy
