
Monday, November 5, 2012


Outside my window glorious sunshine and fabulous low angled light that I love in landscape photos.  And I like having such a tall shadow


In my kitchen busy with the oven yesterday with roast chicken and plum crumble and now have lentil soup in process for lunch

I’m wearing boots, gloves and coat every time I go outside – the consequence of sunshine is no cloud and so colder nights

I’m hoping to sort through several piles of stuff and move some to a charity shop (feels like preparing my cave for winter hibernation!)

I’m pleased that I walked for at least 40 minutes each day last week and plan to keep it up

I’m noticing Christmas displays in so many shops and thinking they are motivated by a desire for sales at the end of a poor year for sales.  I was amazed at the way so many shops switched over from Halloween to Christmas on 1st of November – I think 2 months is too much for full on Christmas in the shops.    

I’m remembering that a year ago I in New York and walked in Battery Park – made the photos of the flooding more real knowing what it normally looks like.


  1. Don't you love finding beautiful light!
    Good job on the walking.

  2. Well done on the walking....and I can imagine you are in the 'well wrapped up' season now!
    Alison xx

  3. Don't you just love it when it comes time for crumble again? I do!

  4. I agree that Christmas can start too soon! And hooray for tall shadows, I rather love them myself :)

  5. It's getting cold here, too, and I'm all bundled up on my daily walks...hat, scarf, gloves, and sometimes ear muffs! Good luck with your walking. I've done it all my life and wouldn't know what to do if I couldn't walk each morning.

  6. I love autumnal light, makes for the best photos, so does winter sun - if you can get it! I'm having a bakingday today too - very soothing for the soul.

  7. We had a glorious day here early in the week. Im still not in my winter coat but I have started to look for the hats gloves & scarves!
    Yes, tall thin shadows of me make me smile;)

  8. Well done on the walking - and in winter sunlight, it is so much more pleasant! Super photo ...
