
Monday, November 12, 2012

360 degree


Over the weekend I

* enjoyed more fabulous autumnal colours -  I particularly liked the clear blue sky with the copper coloured beech leaves.

* watched on TV the All Blacks (NZ) beat Scotland at rugby.  Probably the only time that I happily sing along to both national anthems.  No real wrench over who to support because a win for New Zealand (current World Champions) was assumed by all and Scotland is used to ‘glorious defeat’.  Fabulous displays of fast open play.

*set up the Wii I borrowed from my nephew and made it work thanks to some tutorials on YouTube


And looking forward

* rain forecast to start the week – a promise of clear weather on Thursday

* using Just Dance on the Wii instead of my daily walk – question is do I close the blinds when I dance during the day or accept people walking past will be able to see me dance?

* evenings glued to the TV with two strangely compelling reality competitions running nightly at the moment – MasterChef Professional and I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here

* trip to Glasgow on Tuesday to see my nephew and his group’s latest play

* more stuff sorting – it’s all improvement from here now piles have been sorted and just need putting away


  1. oh lucky you watching the Rugby. I don't have a tv here so had to watch the highlights later. I love rugby on a cold winter afternoon!

  2. We enjoyed the rugby here too :)

    You never know who you might cheer with your dancing!

  3. Well done on getting the WII installed...enjoy your dancing!
    Alison xx

  4. I've done Wii fit moves then realised passers by would have wondered what was going on!! The dancing is such fun :)

  5. Beautiful Autumn colours Helena, go on, keep them open and make someones day :)

  6. Hi Helena ~ I love this post of what you did and what you will be doing! :O) Carrie has Just Dance for her Wii and she loves it. You'll have to let us know how it goes for you.

  7. Oh, I'd be dancing regardless! What a cheek to look in through your window! That's a wonderful autumnal photo ... Hope the Glasgow trip has gone well?
