
Monday, October 8, 2012


Outside my window it is definitely autumn – yellow and fallen leaves; dark until nearly 7am

Around the garden there is plenty I need to do after being away for a month – weeding, trimming the hedge, cutting back the buddleia

I am thinking about ways to ensure that I keep up my daily walk as the hours of daylight decrease and the chances of cold and wet increase

I am thankful for a smooth journey home from Bangladesh, which included lunch with my nephew as I transited through his home city.

I am wearing green cords, a purple top and purple cardigan.  Packed away all my summer tops yesterday but haven’t unpacked the woollen jumpers yet

I am hoping for a good week for my blogfriends who are facing various adversities at the moment.  If you were close by I’d be round with home baked cake and offers of help and support

I am reading on my Kindle the second novel by Kate Morton ‘The Forgotten Garden’ having just finished her first novel

I am hearing the morning news.  I love that I can play the radio on my computer and listen to the news program every morning as I check emails and blogs

I am creating lists of things that I need to do to over the next few days as I transition back into ‘home’

And a favourite recent photo – I was given this fabulous box by project team when I left Bangladesh.  The decoration is a combination on embroidery and beads. I appreciate how well they chose a gift that I love.


  1. Welcome Home! Lovely currents list Helena and the box is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for your kind words today x

  2. Welcome home! Gosh, that is indeed a beautiful box :) And I have that Kate Morton book (in paper form), lent to me by a friend - it's on my towering 'to read' pile! Are you enjoying it? :)

  3. It's a beautiful box!

    And Welcome Home from me too :)

  4. Welcome home, and what a beautiful box. I have loved boxes ever since I was a child and have a number of nice ones. Enjoy this special gift given to you when you left Bangladesh

  5. Glad you are home safely, Helena, and I much enjoyed your posts from Bangladesh. That's a very stylish box :). Hoping the transitioning into life here this week goes well.

  6. Welcome home, and thanks for your good thoughts.
