
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summertime photo scavenger hunt –labyrinth

One of the items on Rinda’s 2012 Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt is a maze or labyrinth.  I wasn’t aware of either in Edinburgh so I turned to Google and discovered that there is a labyrinth in the park on University campus.  It wasn’t there when I was a student but that was 30 years ago and a lot has changed since then.  The labyrinth uses the design from one in Chartres Cathedral in France.

So given that it was sunny on Tuesday and with so much rain each sunny day must be spent outside – I set off to find the labyrinth.


and walked along the twisting path


until I reached the middle


I like labyrinths and the idea of taking a long walk by twisting the path to cover every part of a small space. 

An unexpected and good start to this summer’s photo scavenger hunt.


  1. Yea! This is exactly what the scavenger hunt is about - finding some new places and enjoying the outing. Love the photographs you took, too!

  2. Oh, that is beautiful. I think we have a meditation garden in a town near us that has a labyrinth. I'll be going there soon and will find out.

  3. I really like the idea of googling! (and we might have a stop off here on our college tour ..) Fantastic pictures!

  4. Wow, I'm impressed - I think this one will be difficult for me, but I'm hoping to find everything on this list over the summer!

  5. Beautiful photos! What a great labyrinth. We have a maze right in the park right behind our house but it's a natural one made of long meadow grass and I don't think you can actually see it's a maze unless you look at it from a height so I'm not sure I'll get to do that one!

  6. Oh that is so beautiful! I love labyrinth's too, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find one that is local for me. Well done on the beautiful shots, Helena!
