
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Random memory

Amy from Over at Our Place posted an old photo chosen by finding the 3rd photo in her 30th album and asked us what was the 7th photo in the 21st album.  I like this kind of random selection so I went to look and this is the answer

A badly lit and slightly blurred photo that would not otherwise see the light of day.

It was taken in November 2009 on the day that I helped to decorate this (artificial) tree with coordinated brown and bronze decorations that I had helped select the previous January in the sales.  In the house of friends in Thames, NZ. 

Thanks Amy for an interesting foray into old photos.  Have you looked in your 21st album for the 7th photo?

The other place I often use this method is in the library when I need to try some new authors.  I’ll take the 15th book on the third shelf or something similar – I’ve discovered some good books this way. Do you use such random methods to choose anything?


  1. Helena, that is a fantastic way to find a new book and author!
    It is a bit of fun looking through the old photo folders isn't it? I found it is a good way to find inspiration for a scrap page when the mojo is missing.

  2. I love looking through old photos, though I prefer flipping through a pile in my hand. maybe I should randomly shuffle and pick from the pile!

  3. When I checked, it was a pic of the almond trees which used to be across the road from us, in leaf..they were cut down late last year!
    Alison xx

  4. Such a fun way to look at old photos. I'm going to borrow your idea about books for the next time I go to the library. I'll pick a number and stick to it just to see what happens.

    Darla - and thanks for visiting my blog Helena

  5. This is a great idea that I'm going to do myself! I'm reading blogs at work on my lunch hour right now, but I want to remember to look at my 7th photo in my 21st album when I get home. Great idea for a blog post idea, and also to pull out a photo that might not be seen again for a very long time. :o)

  6. I don't, Helena, but I think it's a great idea!

  7. Interesting. I just posted mine - Hallowe'en 3 years ago!
