
Friday, May 25, 2012


Prompted by Deb Turtle I’m telling the (blog) world that its my birthday on Saturday and I’m going to be 50. There will a a visit to the pandas with family, cake, bubbles and presents – photos next week.

It actually feel less of a threshold than 40 did.  When I turned 40 I was aware of the idea of life changes at 40 and several of my friends had made big changes (marriage, divorce, change of career, moving country) within 18 months of their 40th birthday.  I changed career too.  At 45 the only change was that the NZ government starts to subsidise medication costs for the over 45s and less I did see the doctor a lot more that year.  And the only official sign of turning 50 so far is a notification that I will receive a bowel cancer testing kit soon. 

And the 50 specific cards in the shops are not exactly inspiring.  A friend in NZ confessed to having missed the post with a card and asked me to buy myself a card with a ‘I’m 50 badge’.  Well I dutifully had a look and two local shops were sold out (!!) and the one I saw in another shop was dull. 

After some consultation across the world I did this – always useful to have foam stickers on hand.


  1. Happy birthday, Helena!!! Oh, this makes me SOOO happy! I'm happy that you shared with the world that it's your birthday so we can celebrate YOU, and I'm happy that you bought that adorable badge to wear - so clever of you to modify it that way.

    Enjoy your birthday weekend, dear friend! You are awesome! xo

  2. Happy Birthday!!! The only official sign of turning 40 I got was a reminder from my insurance company I needed to get a mammogram.

  3. Happy Happy birthday Helena!! Fabulous at fifty - you certainly are

  4. Woo hoo!!! Happy birthday! Love how you altered the pin - wear it with pride! :)

  5. 50 is a wonderful age--Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Helena! Have a wonderful weekend ... I hope some more inspiring signs of reaching this milestone come your way!

  7. As you remember, I loved being 50 and fabulous!
    Enjoy the year.

  8. Hope you had a great day day Helena...belated Happy Birthday! Having been on this side of 50 for a few years now, I can report that it's not half bad!!
    Alison xx

  9. Hello, Helena, I am here to thank you for quoting from my book Improv Wisdom and to wish you the best of birthdays. This year I turn 70 and I must say that the last twenty years have been the best of all. May you continue to share your wisdom with others. That's what keeps us shining. Warmest regards,
    Patricia Ryan Madson

  10. happy belated birthday Helena :) You are definitely fabulous!! hope your weekend was fantastic and you got lots of wear from the badge;)
