
Sunday, April 1, 2012

The story of our huge sandpit

Sian’s Storytelling Sunday has come around again. Her addition this year of a story told with a photo and a few words suits my story-telling style so that’s that I’m posting.  I enjoy the mix amongst the stories others post, some with a photo, some not, some long and some short, check them out here.

To my story – I was looking through old photos that Dad scanned and picked out the ones where a story immediately came to mind for use over the next few months.  I’ve created the story on a 4 x 6 so that I can include it in my Project Life album as well as here.


I didn’t texture the photo – the original had been damaged by water when my parents’ house flooded (but that’s a different story).


  1. Funny how things are huge when we are small, isn't it? Fabulous photo!

  2. I distinctly remember our neighborhood park being huge when we were growing up, and one it seems not that big at all!

  3. Oh that's delightful! I remember going back to the primary school I started at when I was five. It was a shock to see just how small the assembly hall was. How did we get the whole school in there?

  4. It is amazing to look back on things we saw through a child's eyes :) Lovely tale thank you for sharing x

  5. ...and I remember the endless summers when rain never fell, Oh & don't get me started on how tiny bars of chocolate are now.... lovely memory and phot Helena. Have you changed the look of your blog?

  6. That made me laugh Helena!....isn't it funny how our perspective changes..and that we forget how HUGE things seemed when we were little ourselves?
    Alison xx

  7. Now, that is simply, sand-ily perfect. It is a wonderful example of a short story, it says so much! What a lovely photo too. I love this Helena - short definitely suits you :)

  8. awww such a cute story. yes as children when we look back it is so easy to forget how lil we really were,
    jo xxx

  9. Haha everything seems huge when your a kid!

  10. Amazing how your perspective changes but I'm glad that even with the flood you still have photos.

  11. Everything shrinks as you get older - except your waistline LOL!

  12. I love how the photo perfectly illustrates your story! That is the smallest 'huge' sandpit I have ever seen! It must have seemed very big to you at the time. How lucky that the photos survived the flood, would have been such a shame to lose those memories.

  13. How true! We went to the lake last year, where we frequented as children and I thought - wow, it sure is small! Love the new look Helena - and your portrait photo :)

  14. LOL - love the story!!

  15. Isn't that the truth?! Cute story and great pictures of your walk by the water - thanks for the visit.

  16. Perspective is everything, isn't it? Nothing from your childhood is really as big as you remember it.

  17. Super photo and observation! I remember visiting my old school and couldn't believe how small it seemed!

  18. I love how impressions of size change as we grow bigger! Your little hats and outfits are sooo cute!

  19. Isn't it funny how we remember things as being so much larger than they seem to us now! Great story & photo.

  20. Hi Helena! I love that you looked through photos and took a story from one of them - a great idea for finding a story to tell! I always remembered a giant tree from my childhood, but when I visited it as an adult it wasn't all that giant after all.
