
Monday, March 12, 2012

52 photos of me – instalment 2


I’ve kept up with the project I accidently started in January to take a photo of myself every week.

For this set I applied the soft faded effect from the Pioneer Woman to all of them because the top left one needed attention due to poor indoor light and then I decided to to the same to all.

I love that the strong colour in my shirt in the top right photo survived being faded.  It and the photo bottom left were taken a week apart but could be 2 sides of the same photo.

The bottom right photo was my one for this week because I’m much more aware of thinking about washing my hands here in Bangladesh – because of the ever present dust; because of the lack of soap and clean towels in some places; and because the cleanliness of what I put in my mouth is a more present thought  (no problems yet – and that’s probably already too much information!!!).

The background to the photos is a texture from Pixel Dust Photo Art – called yesteryear.  I’m liking using textures instead of papers at the moment.


  1. Great set of pics Helena..and glad to hear you're 'keeping healthy' over there!
    Alison xx

  2. Lovely LO Helena. I interchange papers and textures all the time, particularly on layout's as I just can't get to grips with digital patterned paper!

  3. I love the pictures of you that you are posting. I have a hard time with exposing myself to my readers. I guess it's a confidence thing. You are a great photographer and I love following your blog. Thanks for writing about your unique experiences. Peggy from PA

  4. Works beautifully - I love textures too. Glad you've not succumbed to lurghi yet!

  5. These are great self portraits Helena :)

  6. I love these photos of you, Helena! Did you see Carrie's post today about self-portraits?
